vtf files takes even longer, not only that but i have to sort all of the materials in blender, rename them and remove all duplicates. Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 3 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil Village Devil May Cry 5 Street Fighter 6 Monster Hunter Rise.
The lighting looks weird because the whole map is made of 5 static props, aka they are models not brushes, i cannot improve the lighting, what you can try is to use Real CSMĪs of now i got many map files from Resident Evil 4 but converting even one takes a long time, + converting the textures to.
Keep in mind that the ground is made from multiple displacements, entities don't like to spawn onto displacements, so spawn your stuff onto a wall and move it onto the ground, i am not entirely sure why this happens but i also can't do anything about it, i don't want to make the map to be flat as that would ruin the look, note in case you have some sort of spawner for entities that let you set the spawn locations, make the entity spawn slightly above the ground and you should be good to go, the entities won't fall through it Once youve done that, you can download the Village section (which is the only portion that has been released.
Village ported from Resident Evil 4 to Garry's Mod You need to purchase Resident Evil 4 from Steam.